To donors, partners and those
who want to help doctors
and hospitals of Ukraine
International Charitable Foundation
“Health of the Ukrainian people”
Dear Sir/Madam, I wish you peace and health!
There is war going on in Ukraine right now and humanitarian catastrophe is already engulfing our cities and villages. Due to lack of food, heat, medicaments, clothes, and medicine more and more people are suffering. Hundreds of thousands refugees turned Ukrainian roads into scenes of fantasy movies about apocalypse, meanwhile enemies of our country are destroying our motherland step by step. And they, those non-humans, who are carrying out the orders of their commanders will not stop unless Ukrainians stop them.
I, Sergiy Soshinskiy, the President of the International Charitable Foundation “Health of the Ukrainian people” (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) and the Adviser to the Minister of Health of Ukraine, during these difficult times ask you to help us save the doctors and Health structure so that we are able to be born, give birth, fight and win, get ill and be cured also from battle wounds.
Our Foundation was created more than 10 years ago so we have valuable experience in helping doctors and hospitals.
We have official letters of appeal about the needs of humanitarian help from Ministry of Health of Ukraine, The National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and the Public Organization ‘Ukrainian Federation of Professional Medical Associations’ (see the link)
Among our beneficiaries are: Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 17, Kyiv City Clinical Ambulance Hospital, Heart Institute, Health care institution of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and others (total amount more than 230 hospitals).
Our Foundation is doing its best and is expecting informational, administrative and financial support.
Dozens of companies have already joined us and the amount of people who want to help hospitals and doctors is rising and rising. But that is too little for today. The enemy is continuing to ruin our cities, villages and infrastructure, to destroy our soldiers and civilians. That is the reason I am asking all of you for help.
While there is still the internet, connection, light, and we still have food and the explosions are not too strong to stop us, while banking system works – we can collect resources to ensure the necessary humanitarian help supply to help Kyiv and other cities’ hospitals.
Dear Ukrainians and citizens of other countries, I am asking you to help to save Ukrainian people’s health, hospitals and doctors during this war.
Each of you who supports in a while will get an appropriate merch (mark, certificate, and a gratitude) that you took part in a socially important, non-military project concerning supply of humanitarian help to Ukraine.
Stand by for a useful cause: meeting needs of hospitals to treat sick and wounded Ukrainians!
We are strong when we are together! And now we can help!
I hope you do not mind transferring funds to support what International Charity Foundation ‘The Ukrainian people’s health’ is doing and to support Ukrainian hospitals non-cash.
Every single hryvna, dollar, and euro will be useful and all our team will appreciate because due to the money raised together we will do what we have to. We will be able to make Ukrainian people’s health better.To donors, partners and those who want to help doctors and hospitals of Ukraine
International Charity Foundation
The Ukrainian people’s health