
What is this project?

This is an ambitious platform that unites medical speakers from all over the world in one place, who have a desire to share their knowledge with Ukrainian doctors through their lectures.

Who we are?

The International Charitable Foundation “Health of the Ukrainian People”, which has been taking care of hospitals and doctors since 2010. Supports CME for doctors.

We are grateful to every speaker who will support Ukrainian doctors in such a difficult time by providing their content free of charge so that our doctors can receive the most modern and relevant scientific information.

The Foundation is the initiator of the program, the goal of which is to reduce the disability of Ukrainians whose limbs were damaged by the war.

We provide supplies of external fixators, instruments, endoprostheses for orthopedists in Ukrainian hospitals. We create content for Ukrainian doctors.

What can you find here?

This page was created so that you can easily find:

1. Announcements of upcoming events for Ukrainian doctors

2. Speakers who have already created their lectures, which are freely available to Ukrainian doctors.

Upcoming events

International educational forum #SaveTheLimb

Vol.1 Сonsequences of war.
























The best orthopedic traumatologists of Ukraine.

The most influential foreign experts.

Conferences, master classes, symposium. The most relevant content for the entire medical community.

This event takes place within the framework of the international program #SaveTheLimb


Is it first event?

This is second event. First was for neurology. Lections from that event will be available soon at the biggest Ukranian CME platform, Accemedin.com

Speakers who help Ukrainian doctors develop during the war

Louis Maillard

Louis Maillard

Professor, France

Partial epilepsy

Pascal Proot

Pascal Proot

Professor, Belgium

Motor unit: anatomie,physiology and semiquantitative analysis during EMG

How you can help?

Present your lecture to Ukrainian doctors.

We will help you record the lecture and convey your information to our doctors.

Voluntary donation to help Ukrainian medicine

(please note that the average salary of a Ukrainian doctor is up to $600)